For reservations of WarabeeLand, please contact us here.
We will check the contents and reply to you.
WallabeeLand also offers a variety of experience options!
If you would like to experience WarabeeLand, please tap here to reserve a separate option!
“SEND” does not mean your reservation is complete. Staff will contact you after “SEND”.
Name 必須
Mail address 必須
お問い合わせ Message
希望の部屋(ご指定ある場合) about Room 指定なしRoom1 こうぞKozoRoom2 あけびAkebiRoom3 またたびMatatabi貸切プランEntire House
Please check the box if you would like to have a meal. Misoshiru & one dish simple breakfast is available only for guests staying at Warabeeland (free of charge). For dinner, we can serve the same meal as our farm staff (makanai-meshi) for 1500 yen per person. BBQ grill 30cm x 60cm (please bring your own food, charcoal, net, etc.) will be provided free of charge for those who wish to have BBQ at dinner.
一汁一菜みそしる朝食(無料)Breakfast with one soup and one dish(free of charge)
まかない夕食付き the same dinner as our farm staff
BBQ grill Rental(free of charge)
大人の人数 No. of Adults
子どもの人数 No. of Kids
駐車場の利用台数 No. of Cars
ご宿泊の際の注意事項 ・夜21時以降は必ず静かにお過ごしください。21時以降の団欒場所もご用意しておりますので、必ずスタッフがお伝えした所定の場所のみでお願いします。 ・ご使用されないときの電気(灯り、エアコン、暖房etc)などは消していただくようお願いします。 ・まかないご飯は他ゲスト様やスタッフと机を囲み楽しくいただく場合がございますので、事前にご了承ください。 ・他ゲスト様やスタッフとの共用となりますので、入浴など共用施設は全員が気持ちよく使用できるようご協力をお願い申し上げます。
Promises for your stay
・Please be sure to keep quiet after 9:00 p.m. We will provide a place to relax after 9:00 p.m. Please make sure to stay only in the designated area as informed by our staff.
・Please turn off all lights (lights, air conditioners, heaters, etc.) when not in use.
・Please understand in advance that you may enjoy eating meals with other guests and staff members around the table.
・Since these facilities are shared with other guests and staff, we ask for your cooperation in ensuring that everyone can use the bathrooms, halls, toilets, and other shared facilities in a pleasant manner.
記入いただいた内容と注意事項を確認してチェックを入れ、送信ボタンを押してください。 必須 注意事項と記入内容に同意する I agree to the notes and entry, check the box.